Chunshen ZHU: Imagery Focalization and the Profiling of a Poetic World: A case study of Ye Yu Ji Bei by Li Shangyin and its English translations
举办单位:太阳成集团tyc234cc官网 / 太阳成集团tyc234cc官网翻译与专业语料库研究中心
朱纯深,1993年获诺丁汉大学英文翻译博士学位,其后分别任教于新加坡国立大学(1993-1998)与香港城市大学(1998-2017),现为香港中文大学(深圳)翻译学教授,兼任北京外国语大学客座教授及香港浸会大学翻译学中心荣誉研究员,并担任The Interpreter and Translator Trainer和《中国翻译》编委、中国译协理事会理事;研究兴趣涵盖翻译学、诗学、语言学、文体学和机助翻译教学等,研究成果有《翻译探微》及众多论文,先后发表于British Journal of Aesthetics, META, Target, Multilingua, TTR, Journal of Pragmatics, ITT和《中国翻译》等学刊,曾于2000、 2001和2006三次获得宋淇翻译研究纪念奖;译著包括《短篇小说写作指南》、王尔德《自深深处》和《古意新声–中诗英译今译(品赏本)》。
The talk starts with a brief overview of sense and sense-making with reference to cohesion, coherence and intertextuality. Based on a word-by-word close analysis, it charts the semantic coherence of a classical Chinese poem《夜雨寄北》by 李商隐, followed by a mapping of the text's metaphorical coherence in terms of ontological metaphors. Using the poem as a case example, we will examine (1) the profiling of a poetic world sustained by both semantic and metaphorical coherence, (2) the interplay between images for the focalization of an image, and (3) the significance of a focal image for the profiling, and by extension the translation, of a poetic text.